Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Woman

Once upon a time there was a woman. This woman had stayed at home raising four children, and taking in ironing and babysitting to buy Avon. She was happy doing this, being home for her children and being able to sit, have coffee and watch TV! As the woman's eldest children grew and left school, the woman was able to go to the school where her youngest child (her baby) was and help out in the classroom, tuckshop and with fund-raising.
The woman was still doing the occasional spot of baby-sitting, but was ready to give it up and help out more at the school. Often the woman wondered what else she could do; having not worked for many years, and not having confidence - she did not apply for any jobs. One day the woman's husband said, 'you should work in a library, you like to read, and find things out. I reckon you would good at it and enjoy it'.
Meanwhile the woman's son had to change schools, and when they got to the new school, the woman threw herself into - yeah you guessed it - classroom, tuckshop and fund-raising! But the woman looked further a field - she went and helped out in the school library. The woman found that she liked it and sought further information. She rang up TAFE, who advised her and sent out all that the woman would need.
The information was duly delivered and the woman opened it eagerly. Suddenly the kitchen table was full of sheets of paper. There were study notes, assessment notes, notes from the teacher and assessments tasks with about twenty to fifty pages in some - it was horrible. The woman was about to have a mini meltdown.
Suddenly a good friend turned up - and having done this sort of thing before, rearranged the paperwork, and put it into neat piles and made it look so easy. The woman gave the good friend a cup of coffee, talked with her and then the good friend left.
The woman started the assessments and halfway through (if that!) the first one - the mini meltdown hit. 'I can't do this' cried the woman. 'I'm not going to be able to finish this', 'I quit', and she did. The woman rang the tutor up, who tried to reassure the woman that 'she was doing fine'. but thirty years of kids, ironing, baby-sitting and school help could not be erased and the woman felt that her future still lay in that area.
The woman cried, got moody, got angry and frustrated that she was so stupid, useless, and hopeless. She got on with her life, still helping out at the school; but by this time she (or rather her son), had made it to the big school. She signed up for .......classroom help, fund-raising (no surprise there), P & C, and the library.
The lady in charge of the big school library was very encouraging and helpful, so the woman decided to go back in and start the course all over again. The woman realised that she needed to do this - to start again and to FINISH the course, to prove to herself that she was not stupid, useless and hopeless! And besides, if the woman were to start again, she realised also that she couldn't quit twice.....or could she? Hmmm.
So the womand started all over again. The tutor duly sent out (again) all the information the woman needed, but this time, the woman was ready. She got her A4 display folder, placed all the information in its place, labelled all, made many copies of the sheets, because mistakes can be made, and started with confidence.
Some time down the track, the woman had finished her Certificate II in Library/Information Services and passed. She had also gained work at both the little school and the big school, with much guidance and help (read: gentle pushing and bullying!) from the lady in charge of the big school library. All this went towards making the woman feel great, useful and hopeful. The woman now works for a big library in town, and is getting much better, more confident each passing day. The woman is now going to complete (and pass) all the paperwork for Certificate III and knows that she can do it.
Many thanks to Lynda and also to her offsider, Karen, because without them I would not be where I am now,

The woman June Rattenbury
The good friend Karenne
The tutor Robin
The lady in charge of the big school library Lynda

1 comment:

  1. Dear GRanny Rat, you are doing just fine, have confidence and do some more posts and Licence 2 Test Drive lessons soon! :-)
